საქართველოს საბანკო სექტორის კაპიტალიზაცია და მდგრადობა
Date Issued
Banking sector is one of the leading spheres of economy, which is making one of the most important role for sustainable development of the country's economy. The capitalization of the banking sector's sustainable development is one of the essential conditions. Problems and challenges that accompany the capitalization and sustainability of the Georgian banking sector are one of the topics of discussion of the present paper, which discusses bank regulation and monitoring. One of the challenges of the Georgian banking sector is capitalization. The more capitalization level of the banking sector is the more sustainable. Capitalization is amount of a capital that is determined by market value. The growth of capitalization not only solves the financial problems of the enterprises, but also creates the savings of various public institutions. Capitalization indicator is one of the most significant factors affecting the bank's activity. Capitalization estimates are defined by the market value of commercial banks. It creates a condition for its credit gravity. Capitalization is also an investment attractiveness index. Transformation of savings is an indicator of capitalization in investments and is very important, since the size of the economy depends on its size and scale. Sustainability of the banking sector is crucial for other financial institutions of the market economy. From the actual impact factors of the country's economy, there is a special place in determining the conditions for ensuring financial sustainability of the banking system.
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საქართველოს საბანკო სექტორის კაპიტალიზაცია და მდგრადობა
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