ევროკავშირის ქვეყნებიდან საქართველოში ტურისტული ნაკადების სტატისტიკური კვლევა
Date Issued
Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in Georgia, which is very important for the development of economy, so tourism development is one of the main priorities in Georgia.
The goal of this master's thesis is to analyze tourism flows between Georgia and the European Union and identify the major regularities. In this article reflects the general issues of tourism and, in particular, the EU’s tourism flow statistics, and the impact of visa liberalization on tourism.
The article analyzes the main trends of tourism development in Georgia and focuses on the statistical analysis of tourism flows of Georgian residents coming from EU countries and into the EU. The main trends of outbound tourism in EU countries were analyzed based on the main findings of our survey.
Finally, the analysis of the data from the National Statistics Office, the National Tourism Administration and the results of the Outbound Tourism Survey makes relevant conclusions, outlines key tourism development problems in Georgia and recommendations is also offered for tourism development.
The goal of this master's thesis is to analyze tourism flows between Georgia and the European Union and identify the major regularities. In this article reflects the general issues of tourism and, in particular, the EU’s tourism flow statistics, and the impact of visa liberalization on tourism.
The article analyzes the main trends of tourism development in Georgia and focuses on the statistical analysis of tourism flows of Georgian residents coming from EU countries and into the EU. The main trends of outbound tourism in EU countries were analyzed based on the main findings of our survey.
Finally, the analysis of the data from the National Statistics Office, the National Tourism Administration and the results of the Outbound Tourism Survey makes relevant conclusions, outlines key tourism development problems in Georgia and recommendations is also offered for tourism development.
samagistro gogenia mariam.pdf
ევროკავშირის ქვეყნებიდან საქართველოში ტურისტული ნაკადების სტატისტიკური კვლევა
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