Marketing research on customer attitudes towards Medical Services (On Georgia’s case)
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Every person has the right to live a valuable life. High level of health are the primary source of valuable life. In order to achieve this certain countries are constantly taking care of the development of healthcare systems, because the quality of medical services depends on healthcare systems.
This master's thesis - "Marketing Research on Customer Attitudes Towards Medical Services" is based on the example of Georgia. Its purpose is to clarify the attitude of customers towards medical services and if they are satisfied with the quality of medical services in the country. The aim of the thesis is also to determine the dissatisfaction of consumers, the problems faced by the Georgian healthcare sector and the impact of specific problems on the quality and availability of medical services.
The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and recommendations and is accompanied by a list of used literature and a questionnaire used for the survey, which was conducted in a survey of medical service users. The introduction substantiates the actuality of the topic, the purpose and tasks of the research, the object and methods of the research. The first chapter discusses the role of health and the health care system in general in ensuring the well-being of the population and the economic development of the country. Specifically, the thesis discusses the existing literary sources on medical services and the medical market. The legislative framework governing the country's healthcare system has also been analyzed. The second chapter analyzes the materials of the customer survey and based on the obtained results, the relevant recommendations are made to improve the healthcare system of Georgia and solve the existing problems.
This master's thesis - "Marketing Research on Customer Attitudes Towards Medical Services" is based on the example of Georgia. Its purpose is to clarify the attitude of customers towards medical services and if they are satisfied with the quality of medical services in the country. The aim of the thesis is also to determine the dissatisfaction of consumers, the problems faced by the Georgian healthcare sector and the impact of specific problems on the quality and availability of medical services.
The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and recommendations and is accompanied by a list of used literature and a questionnaire used for the survey, which was conducted in a survey of medical service users. The introduction substantiates the actuality of the topic, the purpose and tasks of the research, the object and methods of the research. The first chapter discusses the role of health and the health care system in general in ensuring the well-being of the population and the economic development of the country. Specifically, the thesis discusses the existing literary sources on medical services and the medical market. The legislative framework governing the country's healthcare system has also been analyzed. The second chapter analyzes the materials of the customer survey and based on the obtained results, the relevant recommendations are made to improve the healthcare system of Georgia and solve the existing problems.
Salome Khurtsilava.pdf
სამედიცინო მომსახურების მიმართ მომხმარებელთა დამოკიდებულების მარკეტინგული კვლევა (საქართველოს მაგალითზე)
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