სამხრეთ კავკასიის როლი დასავლეთის რეგიონალურ პოლიტიკაში
Date Issued
Caucasian regional politics, it’s meaning in establishing European geopolitical space and modern challenges. The given wark represents the analisis of southern Caucasian geopolitical situation, strategic and transit funetion.
In this wark I have discussed political processes taking place in southern coucasus it’s conseqvences and connections to western regional political processes. Along with it I have give political orientatens, neighbouling relationships and conflicts of each country in the southern coucases.
I have also discusses existing energo-resourses in the region, it’s meaning, vinds of transportation and it’s meaning in establishing foreign politics. While preparing this wark, I have done sociological survey of population, According to questionnaire. I have done certain analysis which enebles us to have some conclusion.
The magistrate work consist of 3 main parts and several sub-chapters. The first part (introduction) refers to short story of south coucasian region and it’s geo-strategieel location. The second main part describes the role of south coucasces and it’s meanins to EU and western cartric. Also I discuss it’s energo resources and transit furctions. And in the third port I have discussed the transit furction of southern coucasus and Georgian close connection to western courtries and Eu trans-courtries projects.
In this wark I have discussed political processes taking place in southern coucasus it’s conseqvences and connections to western regional political processes. Along with it I have give political orientatens, neighbouling relationships and conflicts of each country in the southern coucases.
I have also discusses existing energo-resourses in the region, it’s meaning, vinds of transportation and it’s meaning in establishing foreign politics. While preparing this wark, I have done sociological survey of population, According to questionnaire. I have done certain analysis which enebles us to have some conclusion.
The magistrate work consist of 3 main parts and several sub-chapters. The first part (introduction) refers to short story of south coucasian region and it’s geo-strategieel location. The second main part describes the role of south coucasces and it’s meanins to EU and western cartric. Also I discuss it’s energo resources and transit furctions. And in the third port I have discussed the transit furction of southern coucasus and Georgian close connection to western courtries and Eu trans-courtries projects.
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სამხრეთ კავკასიის როლი დასავლეთის რეგიონალურ პოლიტიკაში
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