მიღებული განათლების დონის/ხარისხისა და დასაქმებისშესაძლებლობების შესაბამისობა საქართველოს შრომის ბაზარზე
Date Issued
Unemployment is an urgent problem in Georgia. Fighting with unemployment is one of the
aims of the employment policy. In case of Georgia a higher education as a scientific degree
has lost its importance as even for a vacancy of an operator of TV Communication Company
one shall have a diploma of a higher education. This tendency makes the people focus on
getting of higher education – not because they want it and are interested in it but just in
order to get employed anywhere, even if the position does not comply with their profession.
Because of urgent character of the problem we decided to study compliance of a level/quality
of an education with opportunities of employment on Georgian labor market. Target groups
of a survey included: People who work on low positions that do not comply with their level
of education and also people with higher education who are unemployed. Following
objectives were set based on the aims of the research: theoretical review of interrelation
between the market economy and the system of education; specifying the reasons of
compliance/incompliance of requirements of employers with the position; specifying the
reasons/motivations of enrolling/not enrolling at the University; specifying the reasons of
working on a position that does not comply with the received education; specifying the
reason of satisfaction/dissatisfaction of working on an existing position. The studies have
revealed that the labor market of Georgia is characterized with incompliance between the
level/quality of received education and a possibility of an employment. In majority of
vacancies the priority is given to applicants with higher education despite of the fact that
very often the working positions do not require the people with higher education.
Employees don’t provide working conditions to applicants that comply with their
qualification. Employing on positions that don’t comply with a qualification is caused by a
salary and/or monotony of vacancies. In case of unemployed respondents, their
unemployment is caused by incompliance of offered positions with their qualification. Ana Asatiani and Jilda Tirkia were equally involved in making of theoretical an empiric frame,
developing of a research instrument, obtaining of data and making of conclusions at each
stage of a research.
aims of the employment policy. In case of Georgia a higher education as a scientific degree
has lost its importance as even for a vacancy of an operator of TV Communication Company
one shall have a diploma of a higher education. This tendency makes the people focus on
getting of higher education – not because they want it and are interested in it but just in
order to get employed anywhere, even if the position does not comply with their profession.
Because of urgent character of the problem we decided to study compliance of a level/quality
of an education with opportunities of employment on Georgian labor market. Target groups
of a survey included: People who work on low positions that do not comply with their level
of education and also people with higher education who are unemployed. Following
objectives were set based on the aims of the research: theoretical review of interrelation
between the market economy and the system of education; specifying the reasons of
compliance/incompliance of requirements of employers with the position; specifying the
reasons/motivations of enrolling/not enrolling at the University; specifying the reasons of
working on a position that does not comply with the received education; specifying the
reason of satisfaction/dissatisfaction of working on an existing position. The studies have
revealed that the labor market of Georgia is characterized with incompliance between the
level/quality of received education and a possibility of an employment. In majority of
vacancies the priority is given to applicants with higher education despite of the fact that
very often the working positions do not require the people with higher education.
Employees don’t provide working conditions to applicants that comply with their
qualification. Employing on positions that don’t comply with a qualification is caused by a
salary and/or monotony of vacancies. In case of unemployed respondents, their
unemployment is caused by incompliance of offered positions with their qualification. Ana Asatiani and Jilda Tirkia were equally involved in making of theoretical an empiric frame,
developing of a research instrument, obtaining of data and making of conclusions at each
stage of a research.
MA-Thesis.-Tirkia-Asatiani axalisoc2019.pdf
მიღებული განათლების დონის/ხარისხისა და დასაქმების შესაძლებლობების შესაბამისობა საქართველოს შრომის ბაზარზე
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