The Factor of International Terrorism in the Context of the New Challenge of Caucasus Regional Security"- on the basis of the Example of the "Islamic Emirate of Caucasus
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The following master's thesis "The Factor of International Terrorism in the Context of the New Challenge of Caucasus Regional Security"- on the basis of the Example of the "Islamic Emirate of Caucasus " investigates the ideology of Islamic Wahhabism, the factors and threats related to its establishment and the spread in the North Caucasus region. As an example, the creation of the Caucasus Islamic Emirate, its preconditions, structure and ideology are being discussed. The first chapter focuses on the history of terrorism, its explanations and forms. Terrorism is one of the toughest challenges for the International Relations in the 21st century, that threatens the existence of the States in peace and hinders their stable development. The scope of the destructive impact of terrorism is increased when it is implemented with the State support and when it is performed in accordance with the strategic objectives of that State. Like the Intelligence Agencies of the state, terrorist organizations organize recruitment and espionage activities with States or independently to resolve their goals and objectives. The significant emphasis with this regard is made on the ethnic and religious minorities in the State that is subject to damage. Consequently, to combat terrorism as an intelligence function, special mobilization of the counter-intelligence agencies and State support are strongly required.The following master’s thesis analyzes the theory of feminism established in the conditions of modern international relations and its relation with international terrorism.
Women's rights and prohibitions in Islam, as well as the procatarxis that might encourage radical ideas in the minds of the female sex representatives are being discussed in a separate sub-chapter. The focus is made on the role of North Caucasian Shahid women in international terrorism and the asymmetric threats expected from them.
Women's rights and prohibitions in Islam, as well as the procatarxis that might encourage radical ideas in the minds of the female sex representatives are being discussed in a separate sub-chapter. The focus is made on the role of North Caucasian Shahid women in international terrorism and the asymmetric threats expected from them.
Liziko Pipia Samagistro.pdf
საერთაშორისო ტერორიზმის ფაქტორი კავკასიის რეგიონული უსაფრთხოების ახალი გამოწვევის კუთხით - "კავკასიის ისლამური საამიროს" მაგალითზე
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