ბრალდებულის ნების საწინააღმდეგოდ მოპოვებული მტკიცებულებები
Date Issued
The present paper aims to analyze such topical issues as the legality of the coercive measures taken against the accused and the admissibility/applicability of the evidence obtained as a result of such measures. The paper aims to answer questions such as: is an interference in the rights of an accused permissible and is it permissible, to force an accused provide state authorities with the information that would facilitate his conviction. Present work also provides an answer to the question, to what extent the rights of a person may be interfered with, regardless of his will, and when does a person have an obligation to endure such interferences from the state authorities and which specific rights are restricted by the state in obtaining such evidence against him, while ignoring the will of an accused.
For the purposes of this work, in addition to various literature and articles, the case law of the European Court of Human Rights is widely used. This is due to the fact that the judgements made by the European Court are an important source of law, through which the Court itself interprets the rights enshrined in the European Convention on Human rights, and its worth noting that the abovementioned convention is hierarchically above the law in the legislative system of Georgia, as a Contracting Party to the Convention
For the purposes of this work, in addition to various literature and articles, the case law of the European Court of Human Rights is widely used. This is due to the fact that the judgements made by the European Court are an important source of law, through which the Court itself interprets the rights enshrined in the European Convention on Human rights, and its worth noting that the abovementioned convention is hierarchically above the law in the legislative system of Georgia, as a Contracting Party to the Convention
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ბრალდებულის ნების საწინააღმდეგოდ მოპოვებული მტკიცებულებები
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