კრიპტოგრაფიული ვალუტა და რეალური ეკონომიკა
Date Issued
With the development of digital technologies and sharp increase of internet users number since 90s, appears digital currencies. Though which the exchange of goods and services in virtual society is possible. Since 2000, the European Union has begun supervising ,,business of electronic money institutions’’. However, in 2009 the new type of virtual currency ,,called’’ cryptographic currency (such as bitcoin) appearance and growth of popularity has brought new challenges to central bank. Exactly from 2009 has become actual study of cryptic currency massively, especially after was created automatic record system-blockchain.
Appeared some questions and formed hypotheses: What is the effect of the cryptocurrencies on economy of the country and money based on existing economic processes? In what way can we take into account income from cryptocurrency in the country’s total economy? Because exists a risk, that there are interested firms, who are implementing money laundering and it’s possible to do it avoiding by the country’s economy.
Lots of books and articles have been dedicated to this topic, where the opinion is expressed, that blockchain is one of the safest system and the cryptocurrency (as the type of the virtual currency ) is one of the direction based on blockchain technology. Many people connect the blockchain technology to digital currency-bitcoin, however in fact bitcoin’s potential is much larger than digital currency.
As you know, cash or money presented in physical form-coin or paper money, by means of it, it’s possible to purchase anything between the buyer and seller in form of money transfer. The big advantage of physical money is that the person who owns the physical objects or cash is the owner of the unit of value.
Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency, therefore is doesn’t have a physical form, it’s limitless, decentralized system and can replace the money in any transaction. It should be noted here, that experts from different countries work on how to process of delivering cryptocurrencies can be managed and how it can be used in favor of the state and economy.
Appeared some questions and formed hypotheses: What is the effect of the cryptocurrencies on economy of the country and money based on existing economic processes? In what way can we take into account income from cryptocurrency in the country’s total economy? Because exists a risk, that there are interested firms, who are implementing money laundering and it’s possible to do it avoiding by the country’s economy.
Lots of books and articles have been dedicated to this topic, where the opinion is expressed, that blockchain is one of the safest system and the cryptocurrency (as the type of the virtual currency ) is one of the direction based on blockchain technology. Many people connect the blockchain technology to digital currency-bitcoin, however in fact bitcoin’s potential is much larger than digital currency.
As you know, cash or money presented in physical form-coin or paper money, by means of it, it’s possible to purchase anything between the buyer and seller in form of money transfer. The big advantage of physical money is that the person who owns the physical objects or cash is the owner of the unit of value.
Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency, therefore is doesn’t have a physical form, it’s limitless, decentralized system and can replace the money in any transaction. It should be noted here, that experts from different countries work on how to process of delivering cryptocurrencies can be managed and how it can be used in favor of the state and economy.
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კრიპტოგრაფიული ვალუტა და რეალური ეკონომიკა
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