არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაციების (NGO) როლი პოლიტიკურ სტაბილურობაში საქართველოს მაგალითზე
Date Issued
The aim of this thesis (The Role of NGOs in Political Stability on The Case of Georgia) is to study
the role of NGOs in the internal political stability of the county on the case of Georgia. Internal
political stability of the country is quite sophisticated and complicated issue. It includes many
events like current issues of political and social life of the country and on the other side actors who
are involved in these issues. These actors cooperate for solving various problems. Although,
political stability in this thesis implies to researching following issues: freedom of expression,
accountability, existence of violence/terrorism, efficiency of government, quality of regulations.
The main focus of this study is on relationship between the government and the third-sector. The
major indicators of the thesis are based on annual researches of the most competitive international
organization USAID, which assesses NGOs sustainability index of Central European, Eastern
European and Eurasian countries. Chronological framework of the thesis is based on formation and
development of the civil society since independency (1991) of Georgia until 2018. Political stability
sector of the study depends on annual official data of World Bank, which expresses internal
political stability index in the country. The main hypothesis of the research was finding connection
between finances of the NGOs and their contribution in internal political stability of the country.
The research clarified positive correlation between two variables mentioned above, which means
that the more annual financial turnover of NGO is the more it influences on political stability of
the county. In addition new issue derived, which underlines importance of international and
national donor organizations in development of positions and views of NGOs. The civil course of
those organizations, which receive grants from western countries, is based on European and EuroAtlantic
integration. As for those organizations, which have not received international grants or
refuse to publish their annual financial turnover announce anti-western views.
the role of NGOs in the internal political stability of the county on the case of Georgia. Internal
political stability of the country is quite sophisticated and complicated issue. It includes many
events like current issues of political and social life of the country and on the other side actors who
are involved in these issues. These actors cooperate for solving various problems. Although,
political stability in this thesis implies to researching following issues: freedom of expression,
accountability, existence of violence/terrorism, efficiency of government, quality of regulations.
The main focus of this study is on relationship between the government and the third-sector. The
major indicators of the thesis are based on annual researches of the most competitive international
organization USAID, which assesses NGOs sustainability index of Central European, Eastern
European and Eurasian countries. Chronological framework of the thesis is based on formation and
development of the civil society since independency (1991) of Georgia until 2018. Political stability
sector of the study depends on annual official data of World Bank, which expresses internal
political stability index in the country. The main hypothesis of the research was finding connection
between finances of the NGOs and their contribution in internal political stability of the country.
The research clarified positive correlation between two variables mentioned above, which means
that the more annual financial turnover of NGO is the more it influences on political stability of
the county. In addition new issue derived, which underlines importance of international and
national donor organizations in development of positions and views of NGOs. The civil course of
those organizations, which receive grants from western countries, is based on European and EuroAtlantic
integration. As for those organizations, which have not received international grants or
refuse to publish their annual financial turnover announce anti-western views.
MA Thesis.Iremadze 2019 konfliq.pdf
არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაციების (NGO) როლი პოლიტიკურსტაბილურობაში საქართველოს მაგალითზე
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