ბახმაროს და აიდერის (თურქეთის) საზაფხულო სამთო კურორტების შედარებითი ანალიზი
Date Issued
The research deals with the mountainous summer resorts of developing regions of two countries,
Georgia and Turkey. The places that are well-known for Medicare destination. Namely, Bakhmaro,
for its unique fresh air and Ayder, as a spa-resort, because of existing baths.
The aim of this paper is the comparative research of climatic resorts of Georgia and Turkey,
Bakhmaro and Ayder. The topic presents tourism development trends on these resorts, where there
is not proper tourism infrastructure and recreation industry face to many challenges. The main
questions of our research are what kind of transformation did these resorts have in time and space,
how does the resorts provide receipt and placement of tourists, what do they offer except for a
relaxational holidays, what is the difference and what is common between Ayder, that was in our
territory in the past and now it belongs to Turkey and landmark of Guria – Bakhmaro.
The main task of the paper is to define what kind of problems do the tourists face on our
researching resorts. Furthermore, how successful services are provided by the involved sides and
how this promotes sector development, whether, the tourism is beneficial for local populations’
living conditions to get better and how this all is reflected on regional economic development.
The main object of this research is local population and tourists, who travel for relaxation or seeing
The subject of the research is high mountainous resort of Guria - Bakhmaro and Ayder Plateau in
the Rize province. Their potential and the current situation.
Georgia and Turkey. The places that are well-known for Medicare destination. Namely, Bakhmaro,
for its unique fresh air and Ayder, as a spa-resort, because of existing baths.
The aim of this paper is the comparative research of climatic resorts of Georgia and Turkey,
Bakhmaro and Ayder. The topic presents tourism development trends on these resorts, where there
is not proper tourism infrastructure and recreation industry face to many challenges. The main
questions of our research are what kind of transformation did these resorts have in time and space,
how does the resorts provide receipt and placement of tourists, what do they offer except for a
relaxational holidays, what is the difference and what is common between Ayder, that was in our
territory in the past and now it belongs to Turkey and landmark of Guria – Bakhmaro.
The main task of the paper is to define what kind of problems do the tourists face on our
researching resorts. Furthermore, how successful services are provided by the involved sides and
how this promotes sector development, whether, the tourism is beneficial for local populations’
living conditions to get better and how this all is reflected on regional economic development.
The main object of this research is local population and tourists, who travel for relaxation or seeing
The subject of the research is high mountainous resort of Guria - Bakhmaro and Ayder Plateau in
the Rize province. Their potential and the current situation.
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ბახმაროს და აიდერის (თურქეთის) საზაფხულო სამთო კურორტების შედარებითი ანალიზი
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