დეკრეტული შვებულება საქართველოსა და ევროკავშირის კანონმდებლობის მიხედვით
Date Issued
Protecting women’s rights is one of the most important challenges nowadays. To ensure women’s rights protection, there has been taken a lot of measures, which of course, has been implemented in legislation.
Even though there has been a lot of actions taken by society, discrimination by gender, directly or indirectly still exist. This needs to be addressed by the society, therefore to prevent this from happening, there should be at least enough social and legislative guarantees.
Pregnancy and childbirth is women’s extraordinary capacity, which sometimes leads to abolish their rights. There are cases when employers say no directly or indirectly to begin a contractual relationship with a pregnant women, or do not wish to extend their employment contract as soon as they find out that women is pregnant. Consequently, it is absolutely crucial that women have strong legislative protection which will lead them to use the rights attributed from the law, adequately.
Taking into consideration all above-mentioned factors, it is important to review maternity leave as a right and what guarantees does law provide nowadays for women, when they decide to use maternity leave. Additionally, the Master’s Thesis is going to review the rule, where men is or should be able to use maternity leave as well.
Equal responsibility to ensure their child’s well-being for both parent comes from the civil law. Taking care of a baby begins when the child is born and to ensure that child develops properly, both parents should be equally active in the process, especially at the beginning when an infant creates emotional bond with their parents/
Consequently, this Master Thesis focuses on the social guarantees which is related to maternity leave and to review all the legislation flaws that does exist nowadays. Additionally, the author will review European Union Law, as the Government of Georgia has an obligation to adapt the best practice of EU.
Even though there has been a lot of actions taken by society, discrimination by gender, directly or indirectly still exist. This needs to be addressed by the society, therefore to prevent this from happening, there should be at least enough social and legislative guarantees.
Pregnancy and childbirth is women’s extraordinary capacity, which sometimes leads to abolish their rights. There are cases when employers say no directly or indirectly to begin a contractual relationship with a pregnant women, or do not wish to extend their employment contract as soon as they find out that women is pregnant. Consequently, it is absolutely crucial that women have strong legislative protection which will lead them to use the rights attributed from the law, adequately.
Taking into consideration all above-mentioned factors, it is important to review maternity leave as a right and what guarantees does law provide nowadays for women, when they decide to use maternity leave. Additionally, the Master’s Thesis is going to review the rule, where men is or should be able to use maternity leave as well.
Equal responsibility to ensure their child’s well-being for both parent comes from the civil law. Taking care of a baby begins when the child is born and to ensure that child develops properly, both parents should be equally active in the process, especially at the beginning when an infant creates emotional bond with their parents/
Consequently, this Master Thesis focuses on the social guarantees which is related to maternity leave and to review all the legislation flaws that does exist nowadays. Additionally, the author will review European Union Law, as the Government of Georgia has an obligation to adapt the best practice of EU.
Mariam Kutalia Samagistro.pdf
დეკრეტული შვებულება საქართველოსა და ევროკავშირის კანონმდებლობის მიხედვით
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