ახალი ცივი ომის გეოსტრატეგიული ასპექტები-ბრძოლა არქტიკისთვის
Date Issued
Nowadays the world’s stability depends on the balance between the large states, for which is
necessary the strength of these states. This includes many circumstances; however we can pick out
some special reasons. For example the economic situation of the country, energy security, high
developed armament, geopolitical and geostrategic location of the country and act. When we are
talking about the economic power and the energy security, we cannot deny the fact, that the
natural resources which are the numerous number of the countries depended on are exhaustive.
Countries which have the access to the natural resources are intentionally using them to influence
the foreign policy of the countries which are depriving in these resources and this attempt is often
successful. For that reason that Europe does not have its own natural resources and its main energy
supply depends on Russian resources, the initial aim is to diversify these resources to protect the
security of the European countries. First of all it is needed to find out safe and stable source and
then is important to assimilate it. This is just the reason of the development of the Arctic
potential in recent times and so this is the main reason for this work.
necessary the strength of these states. This includes many circumstances; however we can pick out
some special reasons. For example the economic situation of the country, energy security, high
developed armament, geopolitical and geostrategic location of the country and act. When we are
talking about the economic power and the energy security, we cannot deny the fact, that the
natural resources which are the numerous number of the countries depended on are exhaustive.
Countries which have the access to the natural resources are intentionally using them to influence
the foreign policy of the countries which are depriving in these resources and this attempt is often
successful. For that reason that Europe does not have its own natural resources and its main energy
supply depends on Russian resources, the initial aim is to diversify these resources to protect the
security of the European countries. First of all it is needed to find out safe and stable source and
then is important to assimilate it. This is just the reason of the development of the Arctic
potential in recent times and so this is the main reason for this work.
MA-Thesis.Bekurashvily konfliqti.pdf
ახალი ცივი ომის გეოსტრატეგიული ასპექტები-ბრძოლა არქტიკისთვის
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