გთხოვთ, გამოიყენოთ ეს იდენთიფიკატორი ამ ერთეულის ციტირებისთვის ან ბმულისთვის: https://openscience.ge/handle/1/2725
სათაური: Estudio Arqueomagnético En El Yacimiento Arqueológico De Grakliani (Georgia)
ავტორები: García-Redondo, N. 
Goguitchaichvili, A. 
Calvo-Rathert, M. 
Carrancho, Á. 
Licheli, Vakhtang 
საკვანძო სიტყვები: Archaeomagnetism
Magnetic properties
გამოცემის თარიღი: 2019
გამომცემელი: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 
წყარო: Latinmag Letters, Volume 9, Special Issue (2019), A01-O, 1-3. Proceedings Rancagua, Chile
We present a reconnaissance archaeomagnetic study carried out on archaeological samples from the archaeological site of Grakliani (Georgia). Samples were taken from 10 combustion structures (ovens and possible altars). In addition, we analyzed some pottery fragments with a good age control. Both pottery fragments and samples from combustion structures, yielded an age interval that ranges between XII BC and I BC, so that the present study covers a wide period of time for which few archaeomagnetic data are available in Caucasus. We performed rock-magnetic analyses, directional studies (thermal and stepwise alternating field demagnetizations) and archaeointensity experiments using the Thellier-IZZI protocol. Rock magnetic analyses included measurement of IRM acquisition curves, hysteresis loops, backfield curves and high temperature, continuous thermomagnetic curves. The main magnetic carrier is pseudosingle domain Ti-poor titanomagnetite. So far, we have obtained a mean direction for nine combustion structure and acceptable archaeointensity results for five sites together with three pottery fragments of different ages.
URI: https://openscience.ge/handle/1/2725
ჩანს კოლექციებში:სამეცნიერო ნაშრომები

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Licheli . Estudio Arqueomagnético En El Yacimiento Arqueológico De Grakliani.pdfEstudio Arqueomagnético En El Yacimiento Arqueológico De Grakliani (Georgia)398.17 kBAdobe PDFდათვალიერება-გახსნა
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