პარტიების ყოვლისმომცველი პოლიტიკა: საქართველოს პარტიული სისტემის თვისებრივი ანალიზი 2012 და 2016 წლების საპარლამენტო არჩევნებში
Date Issued
The parties have one of the key areas in political processes. Their reorganization and transformation have been going for years. It was changing systematically, in content, qualitatively, though it did not lose its role and importance. The parties, as in the most states of the world, as in Georgia, are the main creators of political process. Ideology and the party have been in close association with each other for years, though if we look at modern party systems, in most cases; obviously, there will be alienation between them.
Catch-all and less ideology of the parties are becoming more noticeable. Catchall parties have the biggest chance of winning in the elections, because they prefer the priorities to voters and not ideology, accordingly, they respond better to changes, than the parties in the ideological framework.
Purpose of the given Master’s thesis is studying and analyzing of interrelation between catch-all and less ideology. About catch-all, as a notion according to review of the existing literatura sources, by studying of its characteristics and properties, also by depth interviews with parties’ members, experts, the thesis would try to make estimable contribution in party systems research.
Within the research, there are given opinions of parties’ representatives and experts about political parties in Georgia, about their ideology and catch-all.
Catch-all and less ideology of the parties are becoming more noticeable. Catchall parties have the biggest chance of winning in the elections, because they prefer the priorities to voters and not ideology, accordingly, they respond better to changes, than the parties in the ideological framework.
Purpose of the given Master’s thesis is studying and analyzing of interrelation between catch-all and less ideology. About catch-all, as a notion according to review of the existing literatura sources, by studying of its characteristics and properties, also by depth interviews with parties’ members, experts, the thesis would try to make estimable contribution in party systems research.
Within the research, there are given opinions of parties’ representatives and experts about political parties in Georgia, about their ideology and catch-all.
MA Thesis. Mukbaniani (1) politmec.pdf
პარტიების ყოვლისმომცველი პოლიტიკა: საქართველოს პარტიული სისტემის თვისებრივი ანალიზი 2012 და 2016 წლების საპარლამენტო არჩევნებში
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