გონიერი ქალაქის ინსტრუმენტების გავლენა მოქალაქეთა თანამონაწილეობაზე - თბილისისა და ამსტერდამის შედარებითი ანალიზი
Date Issued
The following paper is about the smart city concept and citizen participation. More
than half of the World’s population now lives in urban areas. Such enormous and complex
congregations of people inevitably tend to become messy and disordered places. Cities,
megacities, generate new kinds of problems. Difficulty in waste management, scarcity of
resources, air pollution, human health concerns, traffic congestions, and inadequate,
deteriorating and aging infrastructures are among the more basic technical, physical, and
material problems. Another set of problems are more social and organizational in nature rather
than technical, physical or material. Problems of these types are associated with multiple and
diverse stakeholders, high levels of interdependence, competing objectives and values, and social
and political complexity. In this sense, city problems become wicked and tangled. Smart city as
concept of urban development can solve these problems by ensuring citizens' involvement.
than half of the World’s population now lives in urban areas. Such enormous and complex
congregations of people inevitably tend to become messy and disordered places. Cities,
megacities, generate new kinds of problems. Difficulty in waste management, scarcity of
resources, air pollution, human health concerns, traffic congestions, and inadequate,
deteriorating and aging infrastructures are among the more basic technical, physical, and
material problems. Another set of problems are more social and organizational in nature rather
than technical, physical or material. Problems of these types are associated with multiple and
diverse stakeholders, high levels of interdependence, competing objectives and values, and social
and political complexity. In this sense, city problems become wicked and tangled. Smart city as
concept of urban development can solve these problems by ensuring citizens' involvement.
გონიერი ქალაქის ინსტრუმენტების გავლენა მოქალაქეთა თანამონაწილეობაზე - თბილისისა და ამსტერდამის შედარებითი ანალიზი
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