სახელმწიფო მართვის ეფექტიანობის პრობლემები და გამოწვევები
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The master’s thesis – “Problems and Challenges of State Governance Efficiency” consists of the introduction, three chapters and conclusion.
Introduction provides for the topic rationale, the goal and objectives, the object and the subject of research, level of problem management, scientific innovation, practical significance of research results, volume and structure of the paper.
The first chapter of the thesis – “Legal Basis for State Governance” is focused on two issues. The first one concerns the Constitution as the regulations in the legal basis of the state gavernance. Consequently, it emphasizes the significance of the supremacy of the Constitution in comparison with all normative acts of the national legal system. The concept of state governance, its characteristic signs and the opinions on the subject of various scholars – V. Chichinadze, R. Godson, G. Brows, Z. Rukhadze and others – are provided.
In the second issue provided for in the First Capter is the “Constitution Relevant Legislation, i.e. the Legislation that Creates the Legal Basis for the State Goverance”; It is underlined that the laws and other normative acts adopted by the Parliament must serve the efficiency and effectiveness of state governance and be its basis. It is also emphasized that according to the Constitution of Georgia, a legal act contradicting to the Constitution should not apply, i.e. only legal acts corresponding to the Constitution of Georgia should be used only in the process of public administration.
In the course of public governance, the state government should, first of all, apply to the Constitution of Georgia. Consequently, acoording to constitutional requirements, public governance should take into consideration proportionality of the state, the need for the equality each human being before law. Therefore, attention is paid to impartial consideration of a case in court, without which equality before the law and establishment of justice in the state is impossible and unimaginable.
Introduction provides for the topic rationale, the goal and objectives, the object and the subject of research, level of problem management, scientific innovation, practical significance of research results, volume and structure of the paper.
The first chapter of the thesis – “Legal Basis for State Governance” is focused on two issues. The first one concerns the Constitution as the regulations in the legal basis of the state gavernance. Consequently, it emphasizes the significance of the supremacy of the Constitution in comparison with all normative acts of the national legal system. The concept of state governance, its characteristic signs and the opinions on the subject of various scholars – V. Chichinadze, R. Godson, G. Brows, Z. Rukhadze and others – are provided.
In the second issue provided for in the First Capter is the “Constitution Relevant Legislation, i.e. the Legislation that Creates the Legal Basis for the State Goverance”; It is underlined that the laws and other normative acts adopted by the Parliament must serve the efficiency and effectiveness of state governance and be its basis. It is also emphasized that according to the Constitution of Georgia, a legal act contradicting to the Constitution should not apply, i.e. only legal acts corresponding to the Constitution of Georgia should be used only in the process of public administration.
In the course of public governance, the state government should, first of all, apply to the Constitution of Georgia. Consequently, acoording to constitutional requirements, public governance should take into consideration proportionality of the state, the need for the equality each human being before law. Therefore, attention is paid to impartial consideration of a case in court, without which equality before the law and establishment of justice in the state is impossible and unimaginable.
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სახელმწიფო მართვის ეფექტიანობის პრობლემები და გამოწვევები
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