თვითგამორკვევის უფლება დასავლურ დემოკრატიებში: კატალონიური გამოწვევა
Date Issued
The paper below is titled in the following way: “Right of Self -Determination within Western
Democracies: Catalan Challenge”. It is aimed at studying secessionist attempts in westerndemocratic
countries. Despite various advantages provided by the western democracies to their
citizens, we still may observe the cases, when particular groups of people still demand more
entitlements within their state or want to gain independence and create their own sovereign
unit. Accordingly, the challenge of secession stands before the world’s most democratic and
civilized parts, thus increasing the actuality of the research issue.
Theoretical narratives regarding secession are discussed within the framework of the research.
Considering the characteristics of the western democracies, relevant theoretical direction is to
be selected during the research process.
The paper is to accomplish several objectives. Recent precedents of secessionist attempts within
western democracies (Catalonia, Scotland, and Quebec) will be studied through the given
theoretical narrative. Relevant similarities between the cases will be identified during research.
Democracies: Catalan Challenge”. It is aimed at studying secessionist attempts in westerndemocratic
countries. Despite various advantages provided by the western democracies to their
citizens, we still may observe the cases, when particular groups of people still demand more
entitlements within their state or want to gain independence and create their own sovereign
unit. Accordingly, the challenge of secession stands before the world’s most democratic and
civilized parts, thus increasing the actuality of the research issue.
Theoretical narratives regarding secession are discussed within the framework of the research.
Considering the characteristics of the western democracies, relevant theoretical direction is to
be selected during the research process.
The paper is to accomplish several objectives. Recent precedents of secessionist attempts within
western democracies (Catalonia, Scotland, and Quebec) will be studied through the given
theoretical narrative. Relevant similarities between the cases will be identified during research.
MA Thesis.Kevlishvili diplom.pdf
თვითგამორკვევის უფლება დასავლურ დემოკრატიებში: კატალონიური გამოწვევა
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