საქართველოს,1919 წლის დამფუძნებელი კრების არჩევნების გეოგრაფიული ასპექტები
Date Issued
The geographic aspect of the election process and the development of process affects the function of which is the act. The source is what connects people with each other and that is what affects their behavior in the election process.The history of elections in Georgia starts from the moment of history, but the first democratic election is the election of the founding council of 1919. The actuality of the issue is due to the two essential circumstances: First, that the process of elections in 1919 was democratically and it is important to take into account the current situation in the country; Secondly, this democratic process takes the form of universal elections and it is important that it was the first process where women participated.The purpose of the work is to demonstrate “the geographical aspects of the 1919 election,” by Tamriko benia (T.benia) which raises the following tasks: the main geographical features of the election foundation and the characteristics of voting according to social groups. The topic of the issue is the involvement of the population in the election process and their behavior; and the object of research is the population of Georgia according to the mashes and districts. As a result of studying this issue, the work will prove to be the source of the geographical aspects of the behavior of the population and this behavior affects their choice.
MA-Thesis.benia sazgeo.pdf
საქართველოს,1919 წლის დამფუძნებელი კრების არჩევნების გეოგრაფიული ასპექტები
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