თანამედროვე გეოეკონომიკური პარადიგმა გარდამავალი ეკონომიკის მქონე ქვეყნებში
Date Issued
On the basis of verifying the existing theoretical opinions regarding the geo-economical paradigms in the scientific discipline of the social geography the present Master’s Thesis explores the geo-economical component of the economical development of Georgia.
Methodologically, the thesis is of the empirical character, and is considered in the category of the qualitative studies by a basic methodological approach and there is used the case-study method. Besides the abovementioned general methodological grounds, in the process of data collection and analysis there is used the analysis of the secondary sources and the methods of traditional social-geographical research (comparative, statistical, historical, geo-informational).
As a result of the study it was established that the economical foreign policy of Georgia lessly considers the modern geo-economical paradigm, and more often uses the outdated classical economical theories.
The results of the present study will contribute its own modest part generally into the existing academic debates regarding the foreign economical strategy of Georgia.
The key words: Georgia, Geo-Economy, Safety Strategy, Luttwak.
Methodologically, the thesis is of the empirical character, and is considered in the category of the qualitative studies by a basic methodological approach and there is used the case-study method. Besides the abovementioned general methodological grounds, in the process of data collection and analysis there is used the analysis of the secondary sources and the methods of traditional social-geographical research (comparative, statistical, historical, geo-informational).
As a result of the study it was established that the economical foreign policy of Georgia lessly considers the modern geo-economical paradigm, and more often uses the outdated classical economical theories.
The results of the present study will contribute its own modest part generally into the existing academic debates regarding the foreign economical strategy of Georgia.
The key words: Georgia, Geo-Economy, Safety Strategy, Luttwak.
MA THESIS.DALAKISHVILI dalaqiSvili sazgeo.pdf
თანამედროვე გეოეკონომიკური პარადიგმა გარდამავალი ეკონომიკის მქონე ქვეყნებში
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