ხელმძღვანელისა და წარმომადგენლის მნიშვნელობა , როგორც მეწარმე სუბიექტის ფუნქციონირების აუცილებელი პირობა
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This paper / work deals to the functions and competencies of Managers and Representatives for the management and operation of an entrepreneurial entity in Georgia, the importance of their proper distribution and the necessity to establish good corporate governance, as the goal of corporate governance is effective enterprise management and the regulation of this one ensures the success of entrepreneurial entities. The role of Entrepreneurs - managers / representatives of the business entity largely determines the success of business in the country and the successful business creates the country's economic benefits, the connection is continuous from the establishment of the entrepreneurial subject - until its achievement, which requires the regulation of such issues in the legal state, which will increase the responsibility of the managers of the enterprise and first of all based on their proper distribution, the results are achieved within the Enterprise and then it ensures proper legal or economic communication with the outside of state and the third parties. According to the most common definition, corporate governance is the system through which there is exercised community leadership and control. Effective management of the enterprise is directly related to the existence of managers and representatives, properly distribute their role so that the balance will be maintained. From one side the management in a private enterprise will not look like bureaucratic governance and on the other side, uncontrollability will not lead to chaos and without this regulation, entrepreneurial entities would not be able to develop the private businesses and the benefits received by an entrepreneurial entity, such as property, economy, taxes and employment, could not exist in the form, which has to the private enterprises today. However, maintaining the existing one will not be effective in the long term, because the changes which derives from the globalization and fast turnover, forcing us to be efficient and economical within the spending resources and finances, at the same time, this goal can be achieved by establishing the strong corporate law enforcement system in the Legal State. In order to get the formula for the success of the entrepreneurial subject according to the successful countries in the world, there should focus to the capabilities and competencies of the rulers in Georgia, as the legislative level also in accordance with established practices or traditions, at the same time, if we want to offer more to the investors and counterparties, this is depended to the effective court decisions, strong legislative bases and minimizing risks...
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ხელმძღვანელისა და წარმომადგენლის მნიშვნელობა , როგორც მეწარმე სუბიექტის ფუნქციონირების აუცილებელი პირობა
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