დ.როდინის მონოგრაფიის „ომი და თვითმოგერიება“ (I, II, VII, VIII თავების) თარგმანი და ანალიზი
Date Issued
A monograph of David Rodin “War and Self-defense” is about war and peace. It consists of nine chapters, which as a whole is divided into two parts. In the first part, the author is talking about personal self-defense in terms of legitimacy. And in another one is about legally state defense by lethal forces. In both chapters, the main sense is to use lethal forces against aggressor agents or states so that not to be sentenced for using any gun against or kill somebody. In the USA not in all states, but in some states, you will not be sentenced for killing a person if that enters your own property and makes you any abuse. But it is not justice in all countries in the world. You should keep precise proportionality of force against others. You should not shoot a gun against who slaps in your face. It will be certainly charged with blame and there will not be any chance of justice in the terms of self-defense.
From the nine chapters of the monograph, I have translated the first, second, seventh and eighths chapters.
The first chapter is about the right of self-defense, the logical structure of rights it talks about differentiation of having a right and being in the right, and justification and excusewhen using lethal force personally.
From the nine chapters of the monograph, I have translated the first, second, seventh and eighths chapters.
The first chapter is about the right of self-defense, the logical structure of rights it talks about differentiation of having a right and being in the right, and justification and excusewhen using lethal force personally.
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დ.როდინის მონოგრაფიის „ომი და თვითმოგერიება“ (I, II, VII, VIII თავების) თარგმანი და ანალიზი
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