Attributive Clause in Georgian Language
Linguistics and Culture Review
Date Issued
Scientific and Literature Open Access Publishing
The given article discusses a complex sentence with an attributive clause in Guram Dochanashvili’s novel “The First Garment”. The attributive clause gives a broad explanation about an antecedent in the main clause and a complementizer that is related to it. Relative pronoun in the attributive clause agrees with the word (antecedent) in number and is declined according to a predicate in the subordinate clause. Attributive clause is related to a declinable word in main clause, such as noun, pronoun or infinitive. Position of subordinate clause is studied with its subordinators and complementizers in a complex sentence. In Guram Dochanashvili’s novel, main and subordinate clauses are related to each other by: 1. subordinators: rom [that], titkos [as if; as though]; 2. relative pronouns: vinc [who], rac [ that], romelic [ which], rogoric [ how], ranairic [ what kind/type]; ramdenic [how many]; 3. relative adverbs: sadac [where], saidanac [from where] and is, igi [he/she/it], iseti [such s] are used as correlatives. Complementizer – rom [that] (from relative pronouns), romelic [which/that/who] (from relative pronoun) and sadac [where] (from relative adverbs) are frequently used to join main and subordinate clauses together. There are no writing deviations within this construction in the novel.