Efficiency of activities of international financial institutions in Georgia
Date Issued
Our master's thesis "The Effectiveness of International Financial Institutions in Georgia" focuses on the policy, priorities and analysis of international financial institutions in Georgia. International financial institutions continue to contribute significantly to global economic prosperity. Our goal was to study the effectiveness of the activities of international financial institutions in Georgia. Therefore, I think the research topic is relevant for us. The purpose of the study is to show that for many years there have been discussions in academic, expert and business circles about the strategy and activities of international financial institutions in relation to developing countries. Different types of discussions often show very different views. The subject of the research is the study of projects implemented in Georgia with the support of international financial institutions. The object of the research is information posted on the official websites of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of Georgia, the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, and the National Statistical Office of Georgia. The main result of our research is that in today's business environment, it is unthinkable to have a successful international financial institution if your business is ineffective in the host country. This process is complex and includes the most important aspects. The novelty of our study is the demonstration that the effectiveness of the activities of international financial and credit organizations in Georgia should be determined by business productivity, that is, the company's ability to use available resources to develop profitable products or services.
mariam Nozadze Samagistro.pdf
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