მოსწავლესა და შედეგზე ორიენტირებული სასწავლო პროცესის დაგეგმვა.
Date Issued
Annotation Master’s thesis of Khatia Zosidze named “student and efficient out come oriented aspects for flanning effective teaching process ”, illustrates current methods and techniques of modern school institution ( it describes mandatory activities for acquiring thecher status as well).
Scientific discovery of research Is the fact that student and out come oriented shortterm methods of planning teaching process was reflaced with new effective ways for learning goals and activities.
Research is analyzed according to planning a lesson, pedagogy existing visin, classification modern demands and new lesson planning according to the national teaching system.
Succeccful pedagogical experience and lesson are examined, analyzed and conclusion are made . Thesis introduces materials lik drofts and recomendatin making it possible for their future implementation ip practice post research issues are in are in accordance with and due to achieved results
Scientific discovery of research Is the fact that student and out come oriented shortterm methods of planning teaching process was reflaced with new effective ways for learning goals and activities.
Research is analyzed according to planning a lesson, pedagogy existing visin, classification modern demands and new lesson planning according to the national teaching system.
Succeccful pedagogical experience and lesson are examined, analyzed and conclusion are made . Thesis introduces materials lik drofts and recomendatin making it possible for their future implementation ip practice post research issues are in are in accordance with and due to achieved results
samagistro zosidze.pdf
მოსწავლესა და შედეგზე ორიენტირებული სასწავლო პროცესის დაგეგმვა.
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