სარჩელის სახეები სამოქალაქო პროცესში, მიკუთვნებითი vs აღიარებითი სარჩელი
Date Issued
The paper, Types of Claim in Civil Proceedings, attributable vs confessional claim, consists of two chapters, six paragraphs, an introduction and a conclusion.
In the first chapter of the paper, the types of claims, the essence and general characterization of the types of claims, the notion of a confessional claim and the preconditions for its admissibility are discussed, in the same chapter the notion of a counterclaim is discussed.
In a case law, a counterclaim is more common than a counterclaim, because a counterclaim requires not only the plaintiff to acknowledge the existence of the disputed material right, but also the defendant's desire to retaliate or refrain from doing so.
In the second chapter of the paper, the notion of legal interest in recognizing and assigning a claim and the role of the court, discusses the burden of proving the facts presented in the claim, the role of the court in examining the claim, the importance of the case preparation stage.
Problem solving in procedural law and subsequent elimination of deficiencies is carried out as a result of court explanations. That is why it is very important to talk about the role of the court.
In order to better understand the issue, it is important that the existing issues of recognition and affiliation be considered in the context of court decisions. For this purpose, the paper discusses court decisions.
In the first chapter of the paper, the types of claims, the essence and general characterization of the types of claims, the notion of a confessional claim and the preconditions for its admissibility are discussed, in the same chapter the notion of a counterclaim is discussed.
In a case law, a counterclaim is more common than a counterclaim, because a counterclaim requires not only the plaintiff to acknowledge the existence of the disputed material right, but also the defendant's desire to retaliate or refrain from doing so.
In the second chapter of the paper, the notion of legal interest in recognizing and assigning a claim and the role of the court, discusses the burden of proving the facts presented in the claim, the role of the court in examining the claim, the importance of the case preparation stage.
Problem solving in procedural law and subsequent elimination of deficiencies is carried out as a result of court explanations. That is why it is very important to talk about the role of the court.
In order to better understand the issue, it is important that the existing issues of recognition and affiliation be considered in the context of court decisions. For this purpose, the paper discusses court decisions.
Roin Tsevelidze Samagistro.pdf
სარჩელის სახეები სამოქალაქო პროცესში, მიკუთვნებითი vs აღიარებითი სარჩელი
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