ჯანდაცვის საკითხების გაშუქება ქართულ ტელესივრცეში
Date Issued
The survey shows how frequent and how effective the broadcast media covers the health care issues in our country.
It is beyond any doubt that the health is the most important factor of the quality of the human life.
However, often, especially in the countries where the social background is low and the mentality, behavior and traditions of the nation still do not provide for the observance of healthy living principles, such an important issue as disease prevention is left unaddressed.
At such a case the media shall play a particular role and shall undertake responsibility for bringing these issues to the forefront aiming the physical, spiritual and social welfare of the population, and through frequent thematic programs, authoritative guests, profound analytical materials, and other social activities impress in their audience the relevant perception of the existing reality.
It is noteworthy that this theory has long been known in social sciences and is known as the Behavior Change Communication Theory.
The present work consists of two parts. The first part represents the existing media market survey.
The objects of survey are state, public and private media structures.
The survey concerns the Public Broadcaster and private (commercial) broadcaster PulseTV
It is beyond any doubt that the health is the most important factor of the quality of the human life.
However, often, especially in the countries where the social background is low and the mentality, behavior and traditions of the nation still do not provide for the observance of healthy living principles, such an important issue as disease prevention is left unaddressed.
At such a case the media shall play a particular role and shall undertake responsibility for bringing these issues to the forefront aiming the physical, spiritual and social welfare of the population, and through frequent thematic programs, authoritative guests, profound analytical materials, and other social activities impress in their audience the relevant perception of the existing reality.
It is noteworthy that this theory has long been known in social sciences and is known as the Behavior Change Communication Theory.
The present work consists of two parts. The first part represents the existing media market survey.
The objects of survey are state, public and private media structures.
The survey concerns the Public Broadcaster and private (commercial) broadcaster PulseTV
MA-Thesis-gozalishvili-bochorishvili-kachaxidze axteq.pdf
ჯანდაცვის საკითხების გაშუქება ქართულ ტელესივრცეში
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