1990-იანი წლების საქართველოში დაოჯახებული არასრულწლოვანი გოგოები და მათი დღევანდელი გამოწვევები
Date Issued
My Master paper is concerned with researching the early marriage problem in 1990s Georgia.
The goal of the research was to study marriage influence on underage girls lives. Also, I have
studied the main reasons, which were creating preconditions and were influencing young
people to start a family. In the frame of the research, I have studied what knowledge girls had
about sexual and reproductive health and rights, how they faced new challenges and what was
their way of coping with stress. Besides, I was interested in if they had access to education,
employment, self-realization and independence. The research gave me the opportunity to
observe a variety of problems that girls faced in the past and also, how they overcame those
The paper is based on results of the qualitative research and indicates that there were cases of
basic human rights violation in the families created by young people. The underage girls
experienced domestic violence, did not have access to education and were later followed by
employment problems. The research participants had severe health complications, in some
cases life threatening ones. Underage girls could not escape unwanted, violent relationships and
had to stay in marriage against their wills.
In the frame of this research, I had chance to observe how early marriage affected young girs,
how they dealt with problems and what is their reflection on the past.
At the end of this research I have made recommendations, regarding further research of the
above-mention group to explore other violations. Also, I recommend using the results of this
research and studied experience in programs to raise awareness and make this data accessible to
groups working on early marriage issues.
The goal of the research was to study marriage influence on underage girls lives. Also, I have
studied the main reasons, which were creating preconditions and were influencing young
people to start a family. In the frame of the research, I have studied what knowledge girls had
about sexual and reproductive health and rights, how they faced new challenges and what was
their way of coping with stress. Besides, I was interested in if they had access to education,
employment, self-realization and independence. The research gave me the opportunity to
observe a variety of problems that girls faced in the past and also, how they overcame those
The paper is based on results of the qualitative research and indicates that there were cases of
basic human rights violation in the families created by young people. The underage girls
experienced domestic violence, did not have access to education and were later followed by
employment problems. The research participants had severe health complications, in some
cases life threatening ones. Underage girls could not escape unwanted, violent relationships and
had to stay in marriage against their wills.
In the frame of this research, I had chance to observe how early marriage affected young girs,
how they dealt with problems and what is their reflection on the past.
At the end of this research I have made recommendations, regarding further research of the
above-mention group to explore other violations. Also, I recommend using the results of this
research and studied experience in programs to raise awareness and make this data accessible to
groups working on early marriage issues.
MA-Thesis.Kvinikadze copy (1) genderi.pdf
1990-იანი წლების საქართველოში დაოჯახებული არასრულწლოვანი გოგოები და მათი დღევანდელი გამოწვევები
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