მეღვინეობის განვითარების ტერიტორიული და სოციალურეკონომიკური თავისებურებები იმერეთის რეგიონში
Date Issued
Presented master’s thesis shows social and economic role of viticulture and winemaking in Imereti
region, with the perspectives and challenges facing existing sphere.
The topic of discussion is: the history of Georgian viticulture and winemaking, material or intangible
connection between vine and Georgian culture. Moreover, it’s characterized wine’s unique species of
place of origin and wines produced from them.
In the paper it is used both quantitative and qualitative research methods, research is based on
analysis, synthesis, statistical, empirical research and methods of case study.
To collect necessary data for analysis I selected three municipalities form Imereti region, where
winemaking culture is widespread – Baghdati, Zestaphoni and Terjola. I specially made out
questionnaire that included researching relevant variables.
Research paper’s main aim is to make the region more attractive for developing viticulture and
winemaking sphere. I strongly believe, that native species of vine have great potential to produce a
wine that will capture its place in the world market as a special brand.
My work will help everyone who is interested in winery’s potential of Imereti region, because future
perspectives’ deep analysis is based on past and present observations.
region, with the perspectives and challenges facing existing sphere.
The topic of discussion is: the history of Georgian viticulture and winemaking, material or intangible
connection between vine and Georgian culture. Moreover, it’s characterized wine’s unique species of
place of origin and wines produced from them.
In the paper it is used both quantitative and qualitative research methods, research is based on
analysis, synthesis, statistical, empirical research and methods of case study.
To collect necessary data for analysis I selected three municipalities form Imereti region, where
winemaking culture is widespread – Baghdati, Zestaphoni and Terjola. I specially made out
questionnaire that included researching relevant variables.
Research paper’s main aim is to make the region more attractive for developing viticulture and
winemaking sphere. I strongly believe, that native species of vine have great potential to produce a
wine that will capture its place in the world market as a special brand.
My work will help everyone who is interested in winery’s potential of Imereti region, because future
perspectives’ deep analysis is based on past and present observations.
MA_thesis-Giorgidze_Girsheli (1) axali sazgeo.pdf
მეღვინეობის განვითარების ტერიტორიული და სოციალურეკონომიკური თავისებურებები იმერეთის რეგიონში
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