ქართული ხალხოსნობა - სოფრომ მგალობლიშვილი
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The Narodniks (Georgian: ხალხოსნობა), was a political movement of the Russian middle class in the 19th century, involved in revolutionary uprisings against tsarism. This ideology was known as Narodnichestvo (народничество), from the Russian word “народ” (narod), “people, folk”, so it is sometimes translated as “peopleism” or, more commonly, “populism”. A common slogan among the Narodniks was “хождение в народ” (khojdenie v narod), meaning “going to the people”. Though their movement achieved little in its own time, the Narodniks were in many ways the intellectual and political pioneers of the socialists-revolutionaries who went on to greatly influence Russian history in the 20th century. The narodniks became a widespread movement in Georgia as well. People from the big cities traveled to the country side to spread ideas and news concerning the struggle against the occupant force, the Tsar.
Narodnism arose after the emancipation of the serfs in 1861 Tsar Alexsander 2, which signaled the end of feudalism in Russia. Arguing that freed serfs were being sold into wage slavery, in which the bourgeoisie had replaced landowners, Narodnism aimed to become a political force opposed to the phenomenon.
Narodnism arose after the emancipation of the serfs in 1861 Tsar Alexsander 2, which signaled the end of feudalism in Russia. Arguing that freed serfs were being sold into wage slavery, in which the bourgeoisie had replaced landowners, Narodnism aimed to become a political force opposed to the phenomenon.
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ქართული ხალხოსნობა - სოფრომ მგალობლიშვილი
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