ონლაინ მედია, როგორც საქართველოს წინააღმდეგ წარმოებული საინფორმაციო ომის ინსტრუმენტი
Date Issued
In today's reality, the concept of creating a war is changed. In the information age it is very
important to know the information about the moods and dependencies of target audiences. In the
modern world, management and manipulation of one state by another state is carried out through
information warfare, the purpose of which is to influence the system of trust and values. This
report deals with the role of modern media and information warfare against Georgia. In particular,
attention is paid to methods of disseminating disinformation and eliminating the dangers
associated with them, the concrete steps of the country. The aim of the report is to determine the
impact of propaganda against Georgia on the community, including a clear definition of the actor,
who most often blasts the Georgian side with disinformation messages and determines the main
motive for his actions.
In addition, the aim of the report is to study the media landscape of Georgia, both on the part of
legislative regulations and self-regulatory mechanisms. Also, given the permanent hybrid wars in
the world, it is important to define the states, and in particular, the roles of those government
agencies that are responsible for the informational security of the country.
important to know the information about the moods and dependencies of target audiences. In the
modern world, management and manipulation of one state by another state is carried out through
information warfare, the purpose of which is to influence the system of trust and values. This
report deals with the role of modern media and information warfare against Georgia. In particular,
attention is paid to methods of disseminating disinformation and eliminating the dangers
associated with them, the concrete steps of the country. The aim of the report is to determine the
impact of propaganda against Georgia on the community, including a clear definition of the actor,
who most often blasts the Georgian side with disinformation messages and determines the main
motive for his actions.
In addition, the aim of the report is to study the media landscape of Georgia, both on the part of
legislative regulations and self-regulatory mechanisms. Also, given the permanent hybrid wars in
the world, it is important to define the states, and in particular, the roles of those government
agencies that are responsible for the informational security of the country.
MA Thesis.Meskhi konf.pdf
ონლაინ მედია, როგორც საქართველოს წინააღმდეგ წარმოებული საინფორმაციო ომის ინსტრუმენტი
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