შემოსავლების უთანასწორობის სოციალურ -ეკონომიკური მიზეზები და შედეგები თანამედროვე პირობებში
Date Issued
Income inequality is considered to be one of the most topical and noteworthy topics today.
Elimination of income inequality is one of the most important tasks of state policy, for this purpose, it is necessary to analyze the living standards of the population and develop effective socio-economic policies aimed at improving the living standards and quality of life of the population.
The topic discusses various strategies for dealing with the problem, as well as income inequality and the factors that affect it, which are quite many in the Georgian reality, such as: unemployment rate, state social programs, age and gender structure, education level, large number of single mothers and others. Finally, the analysis of all these factors allows us to objectively assess: the level of income inequality in Georgia, the causes of the problem and ways to eliminate it.
Income inequality is an important foundation of a growing market economy, its efficient functioning is the strongest motivation for the economy that accompanies human nature.
Elimination of income inequality is one of the most important tasks of state policy, for this purpose, it is necessary to analyze the living standards of the population and develop effective socio-economic policies aimed at improving the living standards and quality of life of the population.
The topic discusses various strategies for dealing with the problem, as well as income inequality and the factors that affect it, which are quite many in the Georgian reality, such as: unemployment rate, state social programs, age and gender structure, education level, large number of single mothers and others. Finally, the analysis of all these factors allows us to objectively assess: the level of income inequality in Georgia, the causes of the problem and ways to eliminate it.
Income inequality is an important foundation of a growing market economy, its efficient functioning is the strongest motivation for the economy that accompanies human nature.
Miranda Mamuchadze Samagistro.pdf
შემოსავლების უთანასწორობის სოციალურ -ეკონომიკური მიზეზები და შედეგები თანამედროვე პირობებში
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