ფაქტორები, რომლებიც მოზარდებში ხელს უწყობს თამბაქოზე დამოკიდებულების განვითარებას
Date Issued
Tobacco use is one of the important problems in many countries of the world. It demages human health. According to World Health Organization, Georgia is one of the highest consumption countries of tobacco, in Europe and in the whole world. 30% of adults in Georgia are smokers, 55% of them are male and 5% - female. The growing tendency of smoking is noticeable, especially in adolescents. It is alarming and requires urgent preventive measures. That’s why the goal of the research is to study the factors, that promote the development of tobacco dependence in adolescents (10-19 years). As a result of research there are several main trends: The economic condition does not affect on tobacco use. Maybe the teenager does not have the money to buy sigarette, but in different ways, he can earn tobacco and smoke; Both groups of adolescents noted, that smokers around us stimulates the use of tobacco. However, they indicate, that it is individual and depends on them, they will and if they do not want, no one can force it; Adolescents see smokers as junevils, as well as adults, mostly family members, which negatively affects them: “my father smokes one box in a day” (14 years old smoker boy); Some began smoking because of curiosity, some imitating friends, parents or person who likes. Someone wants to prove, that he is big and independent.
MA-Thesis.-Rusishvili socmuS.pdf
ფაქტორები, რომლებიც მოზარდებში ხელს უწყობს თამბაქოზე დამოკიდებულების განვითარებას
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