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The modern world is inconceivable without dialogue as diplomatic relations define international relations and security. That is why negotiation is often held. It is incredible to negotiate, make public speeches or dialogues without using the methods of persuasion. That is why it is important to consider this issue in a broad context.
With the change of time, the text of the public speech, the methods of persuasion contained in it, which is related to the human oratory are refined and developed. David the Builder makes the art of persuasion in his address to the army quite well: " Christian Warriors! If we fight in order to defend the belief of the God, we will not only defeat the innumerable followers of the devil, but also the devil himself." Such calls are the basis for resolving big and important issues.
The master thesis consists of 4 chapters, which are divided into subsections. Also contains the conclusion, appendix and references. The topic is very actual and interesting. This was a prerequisite for studying the work and doing cause-and-effect analysis.
The presented work is accompanied by a research that allows the respondents to express and fix their position. Our goal is to identify the problems, analyze and look for the ways how to solve them.
With the change of time, the text of the public speech, the methods of persuasion contained in it, which is related to the human oratory are refined and developed. David the Builder makes the art of persuasion in his address to the army quite well: " Christian Warriors! If we fight in order to defend the belief of the God, we will not only defeat the innumerable followers of the devil, but also the devil himself." Such calls are the basis for resolving big and important issues.
The master thesis consists of 4 chapters, which are divided into subsections. Also contains the conclusion, appendix and references. The topic is very actual and interesting. This was a prerequisite for studying the work and doing cause-and-effect analysis.
The presented work is accompanied by a research that allows the respondents to express and fix their position. Our goal is to identify the problems, analyze and look for the ways how to solve them.
Tamila Kaladze Samagistro.pdf
დარწმუნების მეთოდები და კამათი
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