ქალთა მიმართ ძალადობა საქართველოში: მიმართვიანობა და რეაგირება
Date Issued
Violence against women in any form and manifestation is a violation of human rights. Violence hinders the full development of women and the realization of their potential.
This work deals with violence against women and the necessary measures to combat it in Georgia. Despite the positive steps forward in Georgia, the protection of women's rights remains a challenge.
Violence against women is an important and large-scale problem all over the world, including in Georgia. Violence against women has always been considered a taboo subject and has rarely been spoken about loudly, but the problem is so rampant that the fight against gender inequality and imbalance is ongoing around the world.
The work consists of two chapters and chapters. The first chapter discusses the essence and significance of the problem of violence. The forms of violence are explained and its possible causes are identified. Listed are the rights of women and the means to fully realize their potential.
The second chapter discusses the legislative guarantees for the protection of women's rights and the mechanisms that ensure the fight against and prevention of violence against women in Georgia. It also provides recommendations and measures to be taken by the state to combat violence.
In the end the survey results are summarized and concluded.
This work deals with violence against women and the necessary measures to combat it in Georgia. Despite the positive steps forward in Georgia, the protection of women's rights remains a challenge.
Violence against women is an important and large-scale problem all over the world, including in Georgia. Violence against women has always been considered a taboo subject and has rarely been spoken about loudly, but the problem is so rampant that the fight against gender inequality and imbalance is ongoing around the world.
The work consists of two chapters and chapters. The first chapter discusses the essence and significance of the problem of violence. The forms of violence are explained and its possible causes are identified. Listed are the rights of women and the means to fully realize their potential.
The second chapter discusses the legislative guarantees for the protection of women's rights and the mechanisms that ensure the fight against and prevention of violence against women in Georgia. It also provides recommendations and measures to be taken by the state to combat violence.
In the end the survey results are summarized and concluded.
Miranda Kekutia Samagistro.pdf
ქალთა მიმართ ძალადობა საქართველოში: მიმართვიანობა და რეაგირება
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