Features of the investment process in Georgia
Date Issued
Our research The specifics of the investment process in Georgia will be focused on the growth trends in investment activity, strategies for attracting foreign direct investment to Georgia. Our goal was to study the investment priorities of the Georgian economy, the combination of investment activity and attractiveness in Georgia. Therefore, I think the research topic is relevant for us. The purpose of the study is to show the need to increase government investment activity and improve mechanisms for financing investments, forecasting, etc. For reasons. The subject of the research is the analysis of large investment projects, regional investment activity and state investment policy. The object of the research is information posted on the official websites of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of Georgia, the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, and the National Statistical Office of Georgia. The main result of our research is that, on the one hand, there is a great need for investment in the face of potential scarcity of resources, on the other hand, there is no more efficient use of investments, the level of inflation, investment and income generation, less in-depth forecasting, etc. reasons. The novelty of our research is the demonstration that the effectiveness of investment policy in the country is obvious, but it is necessary to create investment mechanisms to level regional economic development, to use the results of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of investment processes in practice.
Nika KhoKhashvili Samagistro.pdf
საინვესტიციო პროცესის თავისებურებები საქართველოში
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