ციფრული საგანმანათლებლო რესურსების გამოყენება გეოგრაფიის სწავლებისას
Date Issued
Scientific technical progress has changed the modern labor market and has therefore
changed the requirements for the education system. Today, the use of informationcommunication
technologies has penetrated into all spheres of activity and has become an
integral part of our everyday life. Many countries, including Georgia, are actively involved in
integrating it into the educational system.
Topicality of the research - In the XXI century without any information-communication
technologies it is impossible to move forward in any field. Information-communication
technologies involves electronic tools, which are used to develop XXI century skills during the
learning process, such is creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and etc.
The novelty of the thesis is that educational electronic resources were created for both
teachers and students. The resource includes 40 geographical games for 7th, 8th and 9th grades.
In addition, the Internet Resource Guide has been created, provided with instruction of using
some electronic resources.
The subject of the research is using digital educational resources within the process of
teaching Geography in secondary school. As for the research object, it is the process of teaching
Geography in secondary school, using electronic instruments.
changed the requirements for the education system. Today, the use of informationcommunication
technologies has penetrated into all spheres of activity and has become an
integral part of our everyday life. Many countries, including Georgia, are actively involved in
integrating it into the educational system.
Topicality of the research - In the XXI century without any information-communication
technologies it is impossible to move forward in any field. Information-communication
technologies involves electronic tools, which are used to develop XXI century skills during the
learning process, such is creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and etc.
The novelty of the thesis is that educational electronic resources were created for both
teachers and students. The resource includes 40 geographical games for 7th, 8th and 9th grades.
In addition, the Internet Resource Guide has been created, provided with instruction of using
some electronic resources.
The subject of the research is using digital educational resources within the process of
teaching Geography in secondary school. As for the research object, it is the process of teaching
Geography in secondary school, using electronic instruments.
samagistro kvernadze.pdf
ციფრული საგანმანათლებლო რესურსების გამოყენება გეოგრაფიის სწავლებისას
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