სინტაქსური ექსპრესია და რთული სინტაქსური კონსტრუქციები ნიკო ლორთქიფანიძის პროზის მიხედვით
Date Issued
The language of each writer is characterized by a certain individuality. Recently, the Georgian reality has focused on the monographic study of the language of writers. At the last time, in the Georgian reality, attention was paid to the monographic study of the language of writers. Previously, from the works of the masters of artistic word were examined by the reviewers of various languages and phonetic, morphological, and syntactic features in grammar, but in this case some language was research field, rather than the language of the particular writer.
To solve problematic issues in the history of literary language, particular analysis of the writer's language has a special importance. Therefore, the issues raised in the work are important and topical.
In the work "Syntactic expression and complex syntactic constructions according to the prose of Niko Lortkipanidze" the signs that are characteristic of the language of Niko Lortkipanidze's work is identified, is an indicator of its specificity, numerous differences between writing-literary and colloquial literary languages have been revealed. Most importantly, the grammatical-stylistic, lexical, especially syntactic features of N. Lortkipanidze's language are presented, which distinguishes it from other contemporary writers. The language of the writer has not been studied in this regard, so the issues raised in the work are relevant and novelty.
We study the research issue by the linguistic method.
The work includes: summary in Georgian and English languages, 2 chapters, 29 sub-chapters, conclusion and list of used literature.
To solve problematic issues in the history of literary language, particular analysis of the writer's language has a special importance. Therefore, the issues raised in the work are important and topical.
In the work "Syntactic expression and complex syntactic constructions according to the prose of Niko Lortkipanidze" the signs that are characteristic of the language of Niko Lortkipanidze's work is identified, is an indicator of its specificity, numerous differences between writing-literary and colloquial literary languages have been revealed. Most importantly, the grammatical-stylistic, lexical, especially syntactic features of N. Lortkipanidze's language are presented, which distinguishes it from other contemporary writers. The language of the writer has not been studied in this regard, so the issues raised in the work are relevant and novelty.
We study the research issue by the linguistic method.
The work includes: summary in Georgian and English languages, 2 chapters, 29 sub-chapters, conclusion and list of used literature.
Olena Kurtsua Samagistro.pdf
სინტაქსური ექსპრესია და რთული სინტაქსური კონსტრუქციები ნიკო ლორთქიფანიძის პროზის მიხედვით
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