გადაადგილების შეზღუდვის მქონე პირების სოციალური ინკლუზია საქართველოში-ძირითადი გამოწვევები.
Date Issued
This study is general consideration about people with disabilities and their
condition in education, employment, adaptation of environment and transport,
attitude of society with them and interpersonal relationships; also specifically
about people with physical disabilities.
This research carried out in Tbilisi. It relies on qualitative research methods with
in-depth interviews with ten people with physical disabilities. There are also
related state documents, local research reports and publications were studied
within the frame of desk research.
The main aim of the study is to explore interpersonal relationships of people with
physical disabilities; education and employment challenges of people with
disabilities; stereotypes and positive discrimination cases about people with
physical disabilities.
The research reveals that main problems of people with physical disabilities are
education, employment, moving difficulties (non-adapted streets, buildings and
transport) and also discriminatory attitude of society with them. This things make
their life and social inclusion more difficult.
In order to solve some of this important problems, our government must icrease
consciousness about people with disabilities (among parents, teachers, doctors,
etc); increase number of adapted sreets, buildings and transport; make educational
resourses easier for people with disabilities; and help them to find job.
condition in education, employment, adaptation of environment and transport,
attitude of society with them and interpersonal relationships; also specifically
about people with physical disabilities.
This research carried out in Tbilisi. It relies on qualitative research methods with
in-depth interviews with ten people with physical disabilities. There are also
related state documents, local research reports and publications were studied
within the frame of desk research.
The main aim of the study is to explore interpersonal relationships of people with
physical disabilities; education and employment challenges of people with
disabilities; stereotypes and positive discrimination cases about people with
physical disabilities.
The research reveals that main problems of people with physical disabilities are
education, employment, moving difficulties (non-adapted streets, buildings and
transport) and also discriminatory attitude of society with them. This things make
their life and social inclusion more difficult.
In order to solve some of this important problems, our government must icrease
consciousness about people with disabilities (among parents, teachers, doctors,
etc); increase number of adapted sreets, buildings and transport; make educational
resourses easier for people with disabilities; and help them to find job.
MA Thesis-Mikautadze SOC2019.pdf
გადაადგილების შეზღუდვის მქონე პირების სოციალური ინკლუზია საქართველოში-ძირითადი გამოწვევები.
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