მოკვდაობის მიზეზების დიფერენცირებული ანალიზი
Date Issued
The essay is dedicated to the one of the oldest problem in demography, particularly this is the study about the causes of human deaths and it`s evolution. In Georgia the mentioned case is not sufficiently researched, however it is quite actual. Considering the actuality, I`ll did my best to introduce the variation of the causes of human deaths in Georgia based on the data for the period 1994-2018.
As of today, in Georgia, in light of fast ageing of the population and increased number of death, it is necessary to research the causes of human deaths and its evolution to identify the regularity. In the present essay it is used differential analysis of the causes in parallel of the dynamics of death rates. Based on the mentioned, I tried to introduce the analysis and review of list of the main factors, which have the influence on the demographic and social-economic development of the country.
The dynamic of the death rates for the period 1994-2018 is differentiated (considering the aging and sex structures) and provides ability to study the case in deep.
At the end of the essay it is provided summary, future forecast and my personal opinion as a recommendation. Based on the analysis provided in the essay, the main factors of the deaths are highlighted and the recommendations how to avoid the negative impacts of the mentioned factors ae introduced.
As of today, in Georgia, in light of fast ageing of the population and increased number of death, it is necessary to research the causes of human deaths and its evolution to identify the regularity. In the present essay it is used differential analysis of the causes in parallel of the dynamics of death rates. Based on the mentioned, I tried to introduce the analysis and review of list of the main factors, which have the influence on the demographic and social-economic development of the country.
The dynamic of the death rates for the period 1994-2018 is differentiated (considering the aging and sex structures) and provides ability to study the case in deep.
At the end of the essay it is provided summary, future forecast and my personal opinion as a recommendation. Based on the analysis provided in the essay, the main factors of the deaths are highlighted and the recommendations how to avoid the negative impacts of the mentioned factors ae introduced.
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მოკვდაობის მიზეზების დიფერენცირებული ანალიზი (პოსტსაბჭოთა საქართველოში)
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