ნაძვნარი კორომების ტყის ბუნებრივი განახლება ხულოს სატყეო ადმინისტრაციის ხიხაძირისა სატყეოს მაგალითზე
Date Issued
The diploma consists of an introduction, 8 chapters, conclusions, recommendations and references. Includes 72 pages printed on a computer. 16 titles of literature are used.
The following program questions were asked to complete the diploma thesis:
1. Isolation of conditions (ecotopes) for the growth of spruce groves in relation to the issue of soil moisture.
2. Identify the main and genetically related secondary (produced) forest types of spruce by means of grass indicators.
3. Renewal of spruce with natural seeds according to forest types:
4. Study of ecological biodiversity of forest types based on the typological classification of spruce forests:
5. Agricultural grouping of spruce forest types:
6. Development of forestry measures to support the restoration and renewal of spruce groves:
To determine the types of spruce forest, the author has used the route method and route moves obtained in forest typology. The methods obtained in forest taxonomy determine the composition of the grove, age, average diameter, average height, quality, frequency and more. Has recorded undergrowth species by eye method. In the living cover, the indicator conditions of the habitat conditions (ecotopes) and forest type have been identified, taking into account the forest types. Natural forest renewal is studied in each forest type.
The following program questions were asked to complete the diploma thesis:
1. Isolation of conditions (ecotopes) for the growth of spruce groves in relation to the issue of soil moisture.
2. Identify the main and genetically related secondary (produced) forest types of spruce by means of grass indicators.
3. Renewal of spruce with natural seeds according to forest types:
4. Study of ecological biodiversity of forest types based on the typological classification of spruce forests:
5. Agricultural grouping of spruce forest types:
6. Development of forestry measures to support the restoration and renewal of spruce groves:
To determine the types of spruce forest, the author has used the route method and route moves obtained in forest typology. The methods obtained in forest taxonomy determine the composition of the grove, age, average diameter, average height, quality, frequency and more. Has recorded undergrowth species by eye method. In the living cover, the indicator conditions of the habitat conditions (ecotopes) and forest type have been identified, taking into account the forest types. Natural forest renewal is studied in each forest type.
Temur Shantadze Samagistro.pdf
ნაძვნარი კორომების ტყის ბუნებრივი განახლება ხულოს სატყეო ადმინისტრაციის ხიხაძირისა სატყეოს მაგალითზე
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