უმაღლესი განათლების რეფორმა და ეროვნული უმცირესობათა ინტეგრაციის პრობლემა საქართველოში
Date Issued
After the dismissial of the Soviet Union the national minority integration problem became quiet urgent. The conflicts in the 90’s mainly were caused by the realationship problems with national minorities. On the other hand, it was a politic of the ,,Northern neighbor” which was governed by the principle of ,,divide and govern” and that was for political reasons in all The Union state resistance, on the other hand the national minority integration issue was always problematical. Georgia was and is a multinational state. The national minority integration in one civil society is a very important challenge on a democratic way. The issue is actual, because Georgia nowdays faces the problem than in the past during
The Soviet Union. That is the reason why the integration issue was not problematical, because no one mentioned democratic state, no one had a claim and communist ideology connected different nations to each other. After The Soviet Unions’s dismissial starts national integration problem.
The given thesis is about national minority integration problems in Georgia. The research aim is to identify the use of educational reform towards national minority integration in civil society. Mainly, the research aim is to understand 1+4 program accomplice to this process in Georgia, what are the results of the program in the point of fact. To establish the program omissions and the causes of these omissions. The research was carried out with triangulation of methods. So the qaulitetive techniques were used during the research process with mainly detailed interview and alsothe quantitative methods using by tiny questionnaire which gave the reasons why the national minority representatives have been passed by this program. During the research were analysed the attitude of those students who passed the exams at high educational institutions to this program. Competence people ivolved in this program were also interviewed.
The Soviet Union. That is the reason why the integration issue was not problematical, because no one mentioned democratic state, no one had a claim and communist ideology connected different nations to each other. After The Soviet Unions’s dismissial starts national integration problem.
The given thesis is about national minority integration problems in Georgia. The research aim is to identify the use of educational reform towards national minority integration in civil society. Mainly, the research aim is to understand 1+4 program accomplice to this process in Georgia, what are the results of the program in the point of fact. To establish the program omissions and the causes of these omissions. The research was carried out with triangulation of methods. So the qaulitetive techniques were used during the research process with mainly detailed interview and alsothe quantitative methods using by tiny questionnaire which gave the reasons why the national minority representatives have been passed by this program. During the research were analysed the attitude of those students who passed the exams at high educational institutions to this program. Competence people ivolved in this program were also interviewed.
Ma-Thesis-Abashidze politmec.pdf
უმაღლესი განათლების რეფორმა და ეროვნული უმცირესობათა ინტეგრაციის პრობლემა საქართველოში
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