თამაშების გამოყენება მათემატიკის სწავლების პროცესში ზოგადსაგანმანათლებლო სკოლის დაწყებით საფეხურზე
Date Issued
Development of mathematics begins even from II millennium of BC and keeps its actuality
and meaning up today. Modern mathematics methodology is searching for novelties, with
which its studying process will became more actual and productive. In mathematics, more than
in other subject studying, decisional role belongs to a teacher. Mathematics is not study of
theory texts. It is thinking, logical discussion, discovers and real life. Exactly of that it is
important to refresh the process of study mathematics, to grow up motivation among children,
their active involving and pleasure got by discovers. The modern study aim is exactly that.
Mathematical games on beginner level- this is one of the method to reach the given goal.
In this discussion there are discusses some of them, analyze of them too. Also researches with
teachers and pupils, how they like classes conducted by games, what the results they have,
conclusions and recommendations.
Goal: refreshing-activating mathematics study by using funny-mathematical games.
Defining of essence, meaning and role with study of game;
Review of history of method development with game study;
Modern condition analyzes;
Study of tasks by foreseeing of National Education Plan;
Conducting of quantitative research. Reflecting of existed problems based on research;
Researching of beginner levels of manuals, at what degree are games in them;
Creation of new games and checking of them with experts.
and meaning up today. Modern mathematics methodology is searching for novelties, with
which its studying process will became more actual and productive. In mathematics, more than
in other subject studying, decisional role belongs to a teacher. Mathematics is not study of
theory texts. It is thinking, logical discussion, discovers and real life. Exactly of that it is
important to refresh the process of study mathematics, to grow up motivation among children,
their active involving and pleasure got by discovers. The modern study aim is exactly that.
Mathematical games on beginner level- this is one of the method to reach the given goal.
In this discussion there are discusses some of them, analyze of them too. Also researches with
teachers and pupils, how they like classes conducted by games, what the results they have,
conclusions and recommendations.
Goal: refreshing-activating mathematics study by using funny-mathematical games.
Defining of essence, meaning and role with study of game;
Review of history of method development with game study;
Modern condition analyzes;
Study of tasks by foreseeing of National Education Plan;
Conducting of quantitative research. Reflecting of existed problems based on research;
Researching of beginner levels of manuals, at what degree are games in them;
Creation of new games and checking of them with experts.
მარიკა-ბერიძე სამაგისტრო.pdf
თამაშების გამოყენება მათემატიკის სწავლების პროცესში ზოგადსაგანმანათლებლო სკოლის დაწყებით საფეხურზე
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