მოწმის სამართლებრივი სტატუსი სისხლისსამართალწარმოებაში
Date Issued
This presented master work dedicated to witness legal status in criminal law. In this work discussed the witness concept, status and faces, role and meaning and duties protection guarantees, peculiarifies of responsibility and immunity. Witness testimony Pschological aspects, his interrogations procedual and criminal features. So we have problems which arise at the pre-investigation stage.
In the work we have defects which appiared in inquest of witness according to criminal law.
Also in it shown many problem questions which contradicts the fundamental principles of the criminal law, employees, competiteveness and immediacy. Attention is paid on the privileges of the prosecution. To put the defense in unequal conditions in the direction of prosecution. Which is an indication of the negative quality of justice.
In the work is paind attention on the defects which are between witness and witness interrogation. Recommendations are issued to eliminate deficiencies and for further refinement of the code of criminal Procedure.
In the work we have defects which appiared in inquest of witness according to criminal law.
Also in it shown many problem questions which contradicts the fundamental principles of the criminal law, employees, competiteveness and immediacy. Attention is paid on the privileges of the prosecution. To put the defense in unequal conditions in the direction of prosecution. Which is an indication of the negative quality of justice.
In the work is paind attention on the defects which are between witness and witness interrogation. Recommendations are issued to eliminate deficiencies and for further refinement of the code of criminal Procedure.
NIno Daraselia Samagistro.pdf
მოწმის სამართლებრივი სტატუსი სისხლისსამართალწარმოებაში
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