2008 August war end perspeqtives of regulation of Russian-Georgian Relations
Date Issued
The subject of the Master's Thesis is relevant today, since the work involves such topics as relations between Russia and Georgia, the August 2008 war and the post war period. In addition, the work analyzes the historical stages of relations between these two countries, including the period from the Treaty of Georgievsk and chronologically continues according to the subsequent developments.
The August 2008 war, causes of the war and the subsequent period are analyzed in the work, as well as developed relations between these two countries. After reviewing this historic perspective, we study to the causes and consequences of the 2008 war, the position of the West and the recognition of independence of Abkhazia and so called South Ossetia by Russia, which represents one of the biggest problems of relations between these two states. It is noteworthy that the current situation between Georgia and Russia influences economic aspects, the fundamental analysis of which is reflected in this work.
Political perspectives and the role of civil society is discussed in this work, as to how it is possible to restore relations through the involvement of citizens, as well as the estimated scenarios that can be predicted on the basis of the current situation.
The August 2008 war, causes of the war and the subsequent period are analyzed in the work, as well as developed relations between these two countries. After reviewing this historic perspective, we study to the causes and consequences of the 2008 war, the position of the West and the recognition of independence of Abkhazia and so called South Ossetia by Russia, which represents one of the biggest problems of relations between these two states. It is noteworthy that the current situation between Georgia and Russia influences economic aspects, the fundamental analysis of which is reflected in this work.
Political perspectives and the role of civil society is discussed in this work, as to how it is possible to restore relations through the involvement of citizens, as well as the estimated scenarios that can be predicted on the basis of the current situation.
eka Kasradze Samagistro.pdf
2008 წლის აგვისტოს ომი და რუსეთ-საქართველოს ურთიერთობების დარეგულირების პერსპექტივები
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