ქალისა და მამაკაცის ქონებრივი უფლებები არარეგისტრირებული ქორწინებისას
Date Issued
Its hard to find a person who is not married and on a question – if he/she would even like to get married? – would give a negative answer. However, in a recent period amount of unregistered marriages increased significantly. Above mentioned, gets traditional understanding of marriage institution under threat. The problem is global and doesn’t apply only to the situation in Georgia. In that kind of de facto families often occurs problems about property rights and management between the spuces, because it’s often not regulated by the government. Due to that factors, it is not surprising why or how subject of property regulations between cohabitants became actual.
First part of the work is dedicated to the historical analizes of the marriage institution. this is where reasons and goals of entering into the marriage previously, will be described as well as relationships between spouses, their rights and responsibilities. We will be able to see tendency if how the marriage was developed through the centuries and became the institution we know today.
Next part of the work addressed family and marriage in today’s society. It shows different understandings of the family and the group of people who should be refered to as a family. Also, this is where court decisions will be presented, that will help us determine new definition of the family. Family law in Georgia will be briefly discussed, mostly in regards of property rights. This part of the work will end with discussion about civil partnership, new institution that was presented in a lot of countries.
Next part of the work will entirely address unregistered marriages as a whole. It starts with differenciating registered and unregistered marriages. There will be presented statistical survey results regarding increasment of unregistrrered marriages. Will be discussed religious marriages and their legal status. This part will end with cohabitation as a part of unregistered marriage. Court judgments regarding above mentioned topic will be discussed all along the way. Above mentioned will help us determine legal status of unregistered marriages as a whole, property rights and its implementation means.
First part of the work is dedicated to the historical analizes of the marriage institution. this is where reasons and goals of entering into the marriage previously, will be described as well as relationships between spouses, their rights and responsibilities. We will be able to see tendency if how the marriage was developed through the centuries and became the institution we know today.
Next part of the work addressed family and marriage in today’s society. It shows different understandings of the family and the group of people who should be refered to as a family. Also, this is where court decisions will be presented, that will help us determine new definition of the family. Family law in Georgia will be briefly discussed, mostly in regards of property rights. This part of the work will end with discussion about civil partnership, new institution that was presented in a lot of countries.
Next part of the work will entirely address unregistered marriages as a whole. It starts with differenciating registered and unregistered marriages. There will be presented statistical survey results regarding increasment of unregistrrered marriages. Will be discussed religious marriages and their legal status. This part will end with cohabitation as a part of unregistered marriage. Court judgments regarding above mentioned topic will be discussed all along the way. Above mentioned will help us determine legal status of unregistered marriages as a whole, property rights and its implementation means.
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ქალისა და მამაკაცის ქონებრივი უფლებები არარეგისტრირებული ქორწინებისას
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