სისხლის სამართლებრივი პასუხისმგებლობა მითვისებისთვის
Date Issued
The present paper is the work done by me individually, which is connected to description of academic problems and detection of settlement ways using the different methods and approaches.
At the beginning, the paper represents a brief description of the research topic as already-completedthesis. The research object of the master thesis is “Criminal Responsibility for Misappropriation”, determination and interpretation of relevant practical aspects around the subject, because it can be said with confidence that the mentioned problem is placed under public scrutiny.
The beginning of the paper briefly describes the literature I have applied in my research.
Structurally the paper consists of: introduction, main part and conclusion.
• The introduction defines the goals and tasks conditioning the selection, actuality, theoretical and practical significant of the research topic.
• The first chapter of the main part of the paper refers to misappropriation as the peculiarities of a crime.
• The second chapter of the main part refers to misappropriation as composition of one of the crimes.
• The third chapter describes the problems of subjective side.
• The fourth chapter analyzes the disintegration of misappropriation from the other crimes and problems of qualification.
Conclusive part of the topic refers to a final analysis in connection to the outcomes.
At the beginning, the paper represents a brief description of the research topic as already-completedthesis. The research object of the master thesis is “Criminal Responsibility for Misappropriation”, determination and interpretation of relevant practical aspects around the subject, because it can be said with confidence that the mentioned problem is placed under public scrutiny.
The beginning of the paper briefly describes the literature I have applied in my research.
Structurally the paper consists of: introduction, main part and conclusion.
• The introduction defines the goals and tasks conditioning the selection, actuality, theoretical and practical significant of the research topic.
• The first chapter of the main part of the paper refers to misappropriation as the peculiarities of a crime.
• The second chapter of the main part refers to misappropriation as composition of one of the crimes.
• The third chapter describes the problems of subjective side.
• The fourth chapter analyzes the disintegration of misappropriation from the other crimes and problems of qualification.
Conclusive part of the topic refers to a final analysis in connection to the outcomes.
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სისხლის სამართლებრივი პასუხისმგებლობა მითვისებისთვის
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