თამაზ ბიბილურის რომანი „შვიდი ხმისა და ტოროლასათვის“
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The master’s work is about the novel “For seven voices and for a lark” by Tamaz Bibiluri, the writer of the 20th century. The novel was firstly published in 1984 and got critics’ attention immediately.
Due to the fact that this author is less known to wide readers, in the first part of the work we paied attention to author’s personality and his creative work. Tamaz Bibiluri was actively involved in Georgian literary life and also, took part in ongoing literary process.
In the work we have reviewed author’s narrative peculiarities, the specifics of selecting the novel’s title’s and subtitleses, sone symbols are interpreted thought a modern writing style as well. We have also studied life path of all characters, stories sagged in their consciousness and people, who had an impact on their personality.
In the novel the author created the myth of Chalauri – this is a misted village on the edge of life and death, where people go with different motives, but they are not sure whether it exists or not. In our work we have examined Chalauri phenomenon in details, the characters path to it and all the reasons why each of them left the “house”, because of this mystical place.
Due to the fact that this author is less known to wide readers, in the first part of the work we paied attention to author’s personality and his creative work. Tamaz Bibiluri was actively involved in Georgian literary life and also, took part in ongoing literary process.
In the work we have reviewed author’s narrative peculiarities, the specifics of selecting the novel’s title’s and subtitleses, sone symbols are interpreted thought a modern writing style as well. We have also studied life path of all characters, stories sagged in their consciousness and people, who had an impact on their personality.
In the novel the author created the myth of Chalauri – this is a misted village on the edge of life and death, where people go with different motives, but they are not sure whether it exists or not. In our work we have examined Chalauri phenomenon in details, the characters path to it and all the reasons why each of them left the “house”, because of this mystical place.
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თამაზ ბიბილურის რომანი „შვიდი ხმისა და ტოროლასათვის“
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