პარლამენტარიზმის განვითარების პერსპექტივები საქართველოში
Date Issued
Public administration is a very difficult, comprehensive and responsible process. At the same time, this process is irreversible and if we want to create a perfect country, first of all we must get the maximum for its systemic perfection. At the initial stage of the formation of the country, there was sharply marked the differentiation of the society and the ruling and ruled classes were separated from each other from the very beginning. The relationship between the classes has remained unequal for centuries, particularly between oppressors and the oppressed.
In the Middle Ages, educators appeared in Europe who laid the ideological basis for the latest models of governance and, based on many studies, recognized that the world could not develop on an equal footing unless there was a separation of powers and people will not be allowed to choose the ruling class themselves. So, the forms of subordination were changing but the division of society remained.
Most importantly, the government should be divided and not fall into the hands of one person who could not be elected by the people. Thus was laid the foundation for the modern beginnings of parliamentarism in the world. The idea of dividing power into legislative, executive, and judicial powers became active in the late nineteenth century, and developed countries began to govern with divided powers at the dawn of the twentieth century. All three branches play an important role in management.
The topic of our master's thesis is dedicated to the study of the idea of development of Georgia as a new parliamentary country, including of the first branch the legislative power, specifically the Parliament and the example of the countries of parliamentary arrangement.
The paper discusses in detail the essence of the idea of separation of powers, as a result, the essence and significance of the Parliament is brought forward, we have shown examples of parliamentary countries in the context of federal and unitary states.
In the final part of the master's thesis, we present the perspectives and development of the Georgian version of parliamentary government in our country. Reviews all the challenges that our country has responded and will respond to the need to conduct a full-fledged country, whose management will focus on the welfare of society and the strength of the country.
Therefore, the topic of the paper is very relevant and modern, as Georgia has been transformed into a parliamentary model country. It has a short history of existence and any research, be it theoretical or practical, is vitally necessary for our country.
In the Middle Ages, educators appeared in Europe who laid the ideological basis for the latest models of governance and, based on many studies, recognized that the world could not develop on an equal footing unless there was a separation of powers and people will not be allowed to choose the ruling class themselves. So, the forms of subordination were changing but the division of society remained.
Most importantly, the government should be divided and not fall into the hands of one person who could not be elected by the people. Thus was laid the foundation for the modern beginnings of parliamentarism in the world. The idea of dividing power into legislative, executive, and judicial powers became active in the late nineteenth century, and developed countries began to govern with divided powers at the dawn of the twentieth century. All three branches play an important role in management.
The topic of our master's thesis is dedicated to the study of the idea of development of Georgia as a new parliamentary country, including of the first branch the legislative power, specifically the Parliament and the example of the countries of parliamentary arrangement.
The paper discusses in detail the essence of the idea of separation of powers, as a result, the essence and significance of the Parliament is brought forward, we have shown examples of parliamentary countries in the context of federal and unitary states.
In the final part of the master's thesis, we present the perspectives and development of the Georgian version of parliamentary government in our country. Reviews all the challenges that our country has responded and will respond to the need to conduct a full-fledged country, whose management will focus on the welfare of society and the strength of the country.
Therefore, the topic of the paper is very relevant and modern, as Georgia has been transformed into a parliamentary model country. It has a short history of existence and any research, be it theoretical or practical, is vitally necessary for our country.
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პარლამენტარიზმის განვითარების პერსპექტივები საქართველოში
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