საქართველოს საბაჟო საზღვარზე საქონლის გადაადგილებასთან დაკავშირებული წესის დარღვევა: სისხლისსამართლებრივი დახასიათება
Date Issued
The master's thesis refers to one of the most critically important articles of the Criminal Code of Georgia, Article 214, which protects a number of legal benefits and plays a major role in the financial interests of the country as well as in the areas of safety, peace, environment and health. Due to the length of the article, it is also an important guarantee for our region. It is the above versatility that poses a number of problems in practical terms. As this article covers areas in which both the issue of criminal regulation and the administrative legislation of Georgia need to be refined.
Specific cases and general practice of the court were reviewed and evaluated within the framework of the master thesis. Information (statistics) related to smuggling was requested from public agencies for analysis of the real situation. Opinions, literature and the stated approaches of the state regarding the mentioned actions were found.
The master's thesis will focus on the legislative or practical shortcomings identified as a result of the study and analysis. At the same time, ways to improve the practice or the legal framework will be given as a recommendation.
Specific cases and general practice of the court were reviewed and evaluated within the framework of the master thesis. Information (statistics) related to smuggling was requested from public agencies for analysis of the real situation. Opinions, literature and the stated approaches of the state regarding the mentioned actions were found.
The master's thesis will focus on the legislative or practical shortcomings identified as a result of the study and analysis. At the same time, ways to improve the practice or the legal framework will be given as a recommendation.
Davit Bulia Samagistro.pdf
საქართველოს საბაჟო საზღვარზე საქონლის გადაადგილებასთან დაკავშირებული წესის დარღვევა: სისხლისსამართლებრივი დახასიათება
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