სოციალური მუშაკების ძირითადი გამოწვევები საქართველოში ბავშვთა უფლებების დაცვის სფეროში
Date Issued
In Georgia ratification of the convention on the rights of the child represents of child welfare reform which implemented in 1994 by Georgia. Development of the profession of social worker is connected with the child welfare reform and the process of deinstitutionalization.
In last years significantly expanded the area of social work activity, also numerous changes have been made in the field of child protection, which led to urgency of the research topic.
Social workers strike in 2019 represented a fact of historical significance, when people took the streets with requirement of decent working conditions and making the effective system of children protection. The part of the master thesis is devoted of analysis of these events.
Activation of “the law about social working” represents the most important mechanism of dealing with the challenges of social workers.
Research on the effectiveness of legislative measures activated by this time implemented within the master thesis, also expected results of changes to be made before 2025 has been discussed.
Master thesis consists of introduction, two chapters, subsections and conclusion. Introduction describes relevance of the topic, asked for scientific news and the problematic issue has been identified for which the master’s thesis is dedicated. The first chapter of the thesis is about the development of social protection in Georgia. Also the problem of social working as a history of professional development has been discussed, their working conditions and main challenges. The second chapter of master thesis is about the social workers legal compliance analysis about protection from child abuse, also reviewed mechanisms for supervising the activities of social workers and legal regulations. At the end of the thesis there are some findings of the study given.
In last years significantly expanded the area of social work activity, also numerous changes have been made in the field of child protection, which led to urgency of the research topic.
Social workers strike in 2019 represented a fact of historical significance, when people took the streets with requirement of decent working conditions and making the effective system of children protection. The part of the master thesis is devoted of analysis of these events.
Activation of “the law about social working” represents the most important mechanism of dealing with the challenges of social workers.
Research on the effectiveness of legislative measures activated by this time implemented within the master thesis, also expected results of changes to be made before 2025 has been discussed.
Master thesis consists of introduction, two chapters, subsections and conclusion. Introduction describes relevance of the topic, asked for scientific news and the problematic issue has been identified for which the master’s thesis is dedicated. The first chapter of the thesis is about the development of social protection in Georgia. Also the problem of social working as a history of professional development has been discussed, their working conditions and main challenges. The second chapter of master thesis is about the social workers legal compliance analysis about protection from child abuse, also reviewed mechanisms for supervising the activities of social workers and legal regulations. At the end of the thesis there are some findings of the study given.
Nino Sikhuashvili Samagistro.pdf
სოციალური მუშაკების ძირითადი გამოწვევები საქართველოში ბავშვთა უფლებების დაცვის სფეროში
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